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Assess Jurisdiction's Capacity - National Data
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Program Group Capacity Needed

Population Type: Community Corrections (Probation/Parole)

The Program Capacity Needed based on the national data is presented below. Scroll down for more information on the types of programs that would appropriately satisfy the programming need at each group.

Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Group E
Group F
% Recommended by RNR Simulation Tool

Group A - Interventions Targeting Severe Substance Use Disorders

Group A programs target severe drug use disorders on drugs such as opiates, opioids, amphetamines, methamphetamine, crack/cocaine, heroin, PCP, benzodiazepines, and barbiturates. Programs use specific modalities designed to address severe addiction, offer a range of dosage levels across a continuum of care, and adhere to an evidence-based treatment manual. Examples may include residential drug treatment, therapeutic communities, specialty courts, or intensive outpatient treatment.

Group B - Criminal Thinking Interventions

Group B programs focus on criminal thinking using cognitive restructuring techniques, but also include interpersonal and social skills interventions. These programs predominantly target high and moderate-risk offenders, have a higher dosage of clinical hours, and are implemented with a curriculum. Interventions in this group should include components that can address the primary treatment target as well as other potential treatment targets (e.g., self-improvement and management, social skills, and life skills). Examples may include cognitive-based criminal thinking curriculums, therapeutic communities, behavioral interventions, and intensive supervision paired with treatment to change criminal thinking patterns.

Group C - Self-Improvement and Management

Group C programs focus on developing self-improvement and management skills including some cognitive restructuring work for those with mild to moderate substance use disorders and/or mental health issues. These programs predominantly target moderate-risk offenders with a modest dosage of clinical hours. Examples may include manualized drug treatment, individual or group counseling to address substance use or mental health, outpatient treatment, or drug treatment/mental health courts.

Group D - Social and Interpersonal Skill Development

Group D programs focus on building social skills and interpersonal skills, targeting multiple destabilizing issues. These programs target moderate and low-risk offenders, and should have a low to modest dosage of clinical hours depending on the number of needs being addressed. Examples may include group counseling, individual counseling, and family counseling. These interventions address communication, problem solving, and conflict resolution skills.

Group E - Life Skills Development

Group E programs primarily target life skills (e.g., education, employment, management of financial obligations, etc.) and are intended for lower risk Probationers/Parolees. These programs have a low dosage of clinical hours, and are implemented by staff with relevant experience using an internally generated treatment manual. Examples may include employment services, education classes, vocational training, and assistance with obtaining support or entitlement services.

Group F - Punishment Only

Group F includes few to no restrictions on behavior, punishment or supervision only, with programming/services as needed. This group targets lower risk Probationers/Parolees with no primary criminogenic needs (e.g., severe substance use disorder or criminal thinking) and few destabilizers (e.g., no mental health concerns, antisocial peers, or substance use issues). Interventions at this level are more focused on controls than treatment. Examples may include standard probation, electronic monitoring, or administrative supervision.

Click here and here to read more about the RNR Simulation Tool's Program Groups.